When you first begin a new client case, in Voyant you will be asked when the plan is to start.
Plans can be set to begin the day the client file is created (the software's default) or an alternative start date can be specified. Voyant performs all calculations annually, based on an adviser-configured planning year.
Once the start date is chosen, calculations will be performed in the client case using planning years that run in 12 month intervals from the selected starting point. The tax year that is used will be the one the plan year starts from i.e. a plan started on 1/1/2019 would have tax year rules 2019/2020 in year one of the plan, 2020/2021 in year two and this will follow through till the end of the plan.
Voyant only ever uses one set of tax calculations. For example, it will use the 2021/22 tax rates for a plan with a 2021 start year. So if a plan has a start date of 01/01/2021 it will use tax rules 2021/22. It does not use 2020/21 up to 5/4/2020 and 2021/22 from 6/4/2021.
To find what start date your plan is using, click the name of your client in the top right of the Dashboard and select "manage plans".
In the example below we have a plan that was created on Dec 12th, 2022
If you select "update and promote"
You'll be able to view the "current plan start" which reflects when the modeling starts from.
To change the start date of your plan stay in the above window and follow the instructions in the article below. How to update the start date of your plan.