To register for a free, no-obligation 30-day trial of our software:
1. First, open your browser and go to the appropriate country-specific website for the version of Voyant you plan to use.
Australia - |
Canada - |
Ireland - |
United Kingdom - |
United States - |
Global - |
2. Click the Free Trial link top-right or in the center of the page.
3. A form will be displayed, enter your personal details and a username and password of your choice.
4. Click Service Agreement to read the Terms of Service, then tick the box to accept the Service Agreement and click Submit.
5. The software will display your new profile. Be sure to click Submit again to confirm registration.
Activate your account
6. Check your email for an account activation email, which should be sent automatically, immediately following registration. Click the link in this email and sign in to our website using the details you created to activate your account.
Note: If you don't receive an activation email, try checking your Junk or Spam folder in the event that it was caught by mistake by a spam filter. You may also contact for assistance activating your account.
Open AdviserGo and start building your first client case
7. AdviserGo is a browser-based application, so there is nothing to install. It runs in your browser. To launch, simply click the Go to Voyant AdviserGo button on the Plan page which appears once you have logged in to your account.
You are now ready to add your first client case.
For Further Reading
Training video and document library
Your first client case **Australia, Canada, US, Global**
Your first client case **UK and Ireland**