Integrations with third-party systems, data providers

Voyant currently offers integrations with the following partner service providers - back-office systems, risk profiling tools, trading, and wrap platforms, data aggregation services, fund pricing feeds, and other data providers.

Please contact Voyant Support for further assistance. We will gladly switch on any of these integration services for our subscribers and trialists, provided they have made whatever arrangements are necessary with the integration partner as subscribers or trialists of their services. 


Iress Xplan - back office

Salesforce FS Cloud


ca_lg.png Canada

FinaMetrica - risk profiling

Quovo - account aggregation

Redtail Technology - CRM


ie_lg.png Ireland

Advice Front - back office, CRM 

BIS, Broker Information Services - data and CRM

Fastrak, Sprint Enterprise Technology - data aggregation, reporting

FinaMetrica - risk profiling

Morningstar - equity and fund pricing feeds

WealthTrack, Applied - CRM


uk_lg.png United Kingdom

Advice Front - back office, CRM 

Curo, Time4Advice - back-office system

Fastrak, Sprint Enterprise Technology - data aggregation, reporting

FinaMetrica - risk profiling

Intelligent Office, Intelliflo - practice management

Iress Xplan - back office

Morningstar - equity and fund pricing feeds

Plum Software - back-office system, CRM

7IM, Seven Investment Management - platform

Transact - wrap platform

Oxford Risk

FNZ (Multiple Platforms) 


us_lg.png United States

FinaMetrica - risk profiling

Morningstar - equity and fund pricing feeds

Quovo - account aggregation

Redtail Technology - CRM

Salesforce FSC - CRM

Microsoft Dynamics


Assetmark - eWealthManager


What about other third-party service providers who are not listed?

Voyant is generally willing to integrate with any solution, provided that there is demand for it among our subscribers, a willingness to work with us, and a technological fit. Our primary aim, however, is always to make sure the experience is valuable and beneficial to the adviser.

Please feel free to write Voyant support to register your interest in integration between Voyant and a service provider that is not among those listed above.


Related videos

Integrations - Voyant and FinaMetrica, Integrating Risk and Financial Planning

Learn about Voyant’s integration with FinaMetrica, offering access to their award winning risk profiling solution in Voyant Adviser as a bolt-on service.