Default Permissions – The Adviser or Paraplanner Role
New user accounts will be granted the adviser or paraplanner role, depending on the type of license he or she was invited to use.
Either role will give your colleague the ability to create and edit his or her own client files. Your colleague will not have access to read or edit any of the client files owned by you or any other users in the subscription. You may, however, change these permissions or grant your colleague access to all of the client files within the subscription, sharing files in common.
Grant your colleague "All Client Access", access to all of the client cases in your subscription;
Grant your colleague "All Client Access", access to all of the client cases in your subscription
To grant your colleague full access to all of the client files within the subscription.
1. Sign into the Administration portal of our website. Which website you go to depends on which version of Voyant you use.
Canada - Home |
Ireland - Home |
United Kingdom - Home |
United States - Home |
Australia - Home |
Global - Home |
Once logged in you will select the admin console.
*Alternatively if you are already logged into AdviserGo click on the silhouette and Administration
2. Click Subscriptions then My Subscription.
3. Click View Users in Subscription.
4. Click the Full Name of the new user.
5. An overview of the user's profile will be displayed. Click Edit Profile.
Beneath the user profile will be a list of current roles granted to the user account. Leave the User, AdviserGo, and Adviser (or Auxiliary) roles selected if your colleague is to use the Voyant software.
Note: Descriptions of these roles can be found in the lower section of the screen.
6. Also tick the All Client Access in Subscription role. This role will allow the user to have full read and edit access, in common, to all of the client files within your subscription.
7. Click the Save button.
8. A summary of the change to user permissions will appear. Review and click Confirm if correct.
Upon logging into the software, all the client files within the subscription can be viewed and accessed by searching by name under All Clients in either the Home screen of AdviserGo.
The My Clients tab will display the client files owned by the user's personal user account.