There are two separate management information / analytics reports one can view depending on your level of permissions. The first focuses on on user activity, the second on interrogating client data.
To access these reports, sign into our website. Which website you go to depends on which version of Voyant you use.
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User Client Activity Report
This report is designed to provide management information about the activity and use of Voyant (as it relates to client records) within a given subscription.
The capability to see this link is provided to subscription owners and managers, other users can have a special role added to their account if they need to view analytics data.
On the top menu either click My Subscription then in the left hand Info menu, click 'View User Client Activity Report':
Or click Analytics > Reports Menu in the top menu, then click 'My Subscription User Client Activity':
The report lists for each user, the number clients they are connected to, the number of clients a user has added in the last 30, 90 days, current quarter, previous quarter, and current year. For the same time periods, it lists the number of times the user has saved a client, and the number of times the user has launched Voyant (the launch info, is only accessibly when exporting the report to CSV or EXCEL). Additionally, it lists the total net worth of all connected clients for a user, and the total current value of investments.
Due to the amount of information included, which requires a numerous columns, this report is not designed to be aesthetically pleasing on screen. Rather it’s meant to be exported to Excel.
Nonetheless, the html report contains links to view the user’s connected clients (click the number of clients link next to a user to see all the clients for the user).
This report is fairly slow to run for an entire subscription, especially one with many users/clients.
Running the activity report at the user level (from the user summary screen) will produce a report specific to that user.
Subscription owners and other non-system level administrators must be granted a special role to be allowed to run this report. Please contact Voyant support to request this role if you are currently the manager or owner of your subscription.
If your Voyant user account is not tagged as being the owner or a manger of your subscription and you need access to this report, please have your subscription owner/manager contact Voyant support to request this permission on your behalf.
Client data analytics
Client data analytics enables users with the appropriate permissions to analyse their client data in bulk and produce spreadsheets of high level client data for their subscription.
In the Admin Console, click Clients > Client Search.
Scroll down and tick the 'Include Analytics Criteria and Fields' box. Additional dropdown boxes and analytics fields will appear.
Narrow the search using the dropdown boxes e.g. to search for all clients with a Net Worth greater than £x. Searches are limited to 10,000 clients, so if there are more than 10,000 clients in your subscription narrow the search using these dropdowns.
By default, the Selected Analytics Fields which will show in the results are those shown in the screenshot above on the right hand list. These can be removed, or additional fields added from the Available Analytics Fields in the left hand list by clicking on the field to be removed/added and then use the arrow buttons.
Once the search criteria have been refined, click the Search button. The result will display on screen, with Export options at the bottom to extract the results in spreadsheet format.
Subscription owners and other non-system level administrators must be granted a special role to be allowed to run analytics. Please contact Voyant support to request this role if you are currently the manager or owner of your subscription.
If your Voyant user account is not tagged as being the owner or a manger of your subscription and you need access to analytics, please have your subscription owner/manager contact Voyant support to request this permission on your behalf.