Charts - Asset categories updated in the detailed view of the Net Worth chart, breakdown of invested assets by tax types **AdviserGo, Canada**

The detailed view of the Net Worth chart has been updated in our Canadian release to show the asset totals by individual tax type (i.e. registered, non-registered, and tax free) rather than lumping all invested assets into a general "Investment Assets" category. This change will also be reflected in the Net Worth report.

Other categories of assets shown in the detailed view of the Net Worth chart include:

Other Assets - Illiquid assets such as homes and rental properties, entered under Property in AdviserGo,

Corporate Assets - The value of assets held within holding companies. This total shows the value of assets the client owns indirectly, based on their shareholder stake in the company. The percentage of company value owned by shareholders outside of the plan will be omitted from this total. 

Note - Trusts are not included in the Net Worth chart.
