Reports, Real Money - Reports now available in Real Money in AdviserGo

The option is now available to output in real money terms chart-specific reports, including the Net Worth, Cash Flow, Assets Simple, Assets Detailed, Expenses, and Debts reports, as well as the Estate (Legacy) report in AdviserGo.

To include the real money charts and details in reports, go to the Reports screen. Again, reports that can be output in real money currently include the Net Worth, Cash Flow, Assets Simple, Assets Detailed, Expenses, and Debts charts as well as the Estate report.

Select one or more of these reports on the left side of the screen and click Add to Report.



The selected reports will be added to the right side of the screen, where they can be reordered, if necessary, by selecting the sections and using the up/down arrows to move the reports up or down in the list.

Scroll to the bottom of the screen and under Options, toggle on the “Use Real Money” option.



An icon will appear next to the names of the selected reports that are available in real money and that will be output in real terms. Selected reports that are unavailable in real money will show no icon.



Click Generate Report to output the selected sections into a PDF format report.



A bar will appear showing the progress of the report as it is being generated.



Page headings will indicate which sections of the report were output in real money.
