Save and Add Another

Save + Add Another is designed to streamline the entry of multiple items of the same type. Entering numerous expenses or accounts will be much quicker using this option. 
Currently, to enter several investments an adviser would: 
1.  Click the Plus button. 
2. Select Savings and Investments. 
3. Select Investments. 
4. Make the required entries. 
5. Click Done. 
6. Repeat these steps to enter the next account – click the plus button, select Savings and Investments, then Investments, etc.
Users will now have the option to add another account of the same type without clicking the Plus button and making the subsequent selections.
Clicking the dropdown arrow next to the Done button will reveal the new option to Save + Add Another. Selecting this option will save the current account and clear the fields, allowing another Investment to be entered with the same defaults.