When a user leaves the firm or changes roles within the firm, and you want to transfer their license to their replacement, you would first login to the admin portal and disable the current user's login.  You do this by locating the user, clicking the users name and clicking the link in the left navigation linkrail, 'Disable User,' and select 'OK' in the confirmation box. This not only disables the current user's access to the subscription but also frees up the license to be used by another user within the firm. 

Next, use the 'Invite User to Subscription' link on the page (linkrail on left side of the screen) to email a registration invite to the user's replacement.  

If you simply want to cancel a user's license, locate the user in the admin portal and click the 'Disable User' link in the linkrail on the User Summary page. Be sure to follow up by emailing Voyant Support (support@planwithvoyant.com) to make them aware of the cancellation for billing purposes.  

Disabling a user does not remove or silo any of the client plans created by that user. Any plans created by a user in the subscription is retained within the subscription and accessible by the Subscription Owner, Subscription Manager, and any user in the firm's subscription with 'All Client Access' permission.