You cannot revoke a client’s invitation once it has been accepted. If later you need to switch off a client’s access, you can deactivate their account on the Voyant website. Deactivating a client's VoyantGo account (a consumer account) will free that license to be used with another client.
To deactivate a client’s VoyantGo account:
1. Go to the country-specific website for the version of VoyantGo that you use. Sign in using your user name and password.
2. Select My Subscription.

Details about your subscription will be displayed, including the number of used and allowed consumer (VoyantGo) licenses within your subscription.

3. Click View Users in Subscription (left).

4. Use the search fields to search specifically for your client using first name, last name, e-mail address, etc. or scroll down to view a list of all the user accounts in your subscription.
The columns in this list can be clicked to sort by, among other things, license Type. VoyantGo users will be shown as having a Consumer license.

5. Click the Full Name of the client whose account you want to deactivate. Details about the account will be displayed.

6. Click the Disable User link to disable the user’s VoyantGo license.

7. Click OK to confirm that the user account should be disabled.

Note: A waiting period is imposed each time you deactivate and then attempt to reactivate an account. The first time one re-enables a previously disabled account the waiting period is 60 minutes. Subsequent lockouts are 24 hours per time, so 48 hours, then 72 hours, etc. We enforce this lockout period as a safeguard against license abuse.

8. A second message will display asking whether you want an e-mail sent to the user informing them that their account has been disabled. Click Cancel (counterintuitively) if you don't want to this e-mail sent to your client.

If you have deactivated an account by mistake and require assistance reactivating it prior to the end of this waiting period, please contact Voyant Support at