Upcoming Training and Webinars

Face to Face Group Training Sessions

Below are the details for the first face to face group training sessions to be held in London in 2025::

  • Introductory sessions – for anyone new to Voyant or new to AdviserGo. Build a base plan, walk through what-if scenarios and generate reports.  These are hands on sessions, so you may bring a laptop and a mouse and build a plan live with the trainer. Lunch is included and cost is £150 per person.

London             -           Tuesday 11 February (10am - 3pm)
London             -           Tuesday 4 March (10am - 3pm)
London             -           Tuesday 29 April (10am - 3pm)

  • Advanced sessions – for existing users who want to explore more advanced features like modelling decumulation strategies or estate planning. These are faster paced sessions and to gain the most benefit you should already have a good understanding of the software.  Buffet lunch is included and cost is £120 per person.

London            -            Tuesday 18 February (10am - 1pm) 
London            -            Wednesday 5 March (10am - 1pm) 
London            -            Wednesday 30 April (10am - 1pm) 


AdviserGo Webinar Series

Introduction to Voyant AdviserGo UK 

In this webinar we will give you a comprehensive introduction to Voyant AdviserGo, including how to enter information to create a plan and how to navigate the charts and create reports. We will also look at creating What If scenarios and how to compare plans.  This webinar will take approximately 60 minutes.

Thursday 20 February - 2.30 PM BSTRegister Here