ClientGo - Onboarding new clients - Australia


ClientGo is our new goal centric, client facing platform which can be used for onboarding new clients into the Voyant software and also as a review tool for existing clients. It is an interactive and collaborative tool which personalises the planning process. 


New Clients - On-boarding

ClientGo is a great fact finding tool.  Your clients can enter their current income, savings, expenditure as well as their future goals and lifestyle objectives.

Open AdviserGo and from the Home page select Invitations.  


Select the '+' button in the bottom right corner. 

You will then be prompted to enter the client's name, email address. Once completed, click on Send Invite.


Your client will receive an acceptance email from Voyant which they need to complete. 



ClientGo saves automatically each time client enters a Goal, Finance or Expense item. Once your client has completed this journey,  ClientGo prompts them to let you know i.e. 



More information on what your clients will see is shown in this guide - Client View of ClientGo -creating a new client plan - UK and Ireland


After the client has completed their details

Once your client has completed this journey you will see the client in your Client Record just as you would see any client record you had input into Voyant AdviserGo




The details they have entered will be displayed in the usual Dashboard, Chart formats which you are used to in AdviserGo

To view the client plan, click on the name.  Before you are able to view and edit you will be prompted to Turn on Client Lock or view as Read Only.


Choose Read Only if you do not wish to edit the plan. You can still navigate around the plan but the save buttons are disabled, preventing you making any changes.

It is most likely that you will wish to edit the plan, in this case, select Turn On Client Lock.  Whilst this is enabled and whilst you are editing the plan, your client cannot make any changes.  If your client did log in to ClientGo, they will see the message Plan Under Review. 


This is the familiar view you will see when you open the plan. The Base Plan is built from the details your clients added in ClientGo.


You can add, edit, delete items as with any plan in AdviserGo.

Note the two messages at the top of the Dashboard page.  The top one, in the blue banner, acts as a reminder to unlock the plan once you have finished editing and before you come out of the plans and  return to the client record page.

If the plan remains locked your client is not able to log back into ClientGo. Additionally, other users in your subscription who have access to your client plans e.g. those with All Client Access will have Read Only access.

The second message prompts you to Manage Access. 


Changing which plan the client sees

To prevent your client updating the Base Plan details after you have worked on the plan, you can revoke their Write access.


If you do this, when your clients log back in the Read Only banner will appear at the top of their ClientGo page.


You can create a What If Plan, in the usual way, and then allow your client access to this plan. They can review the details and amend if necessary. 

For example - What if we saved all our surplus income. This is the view of the Cashflow chart in the What if.



Select the client name and Manage Access. 


Switch off Assign Plan Automatically and select the What if. Then click on Done in the top right corner.


Remember to unlock the client plan.

When your client logs back into ClientGo they will see the What If plan you created and will be able to edit. 


When your client logs in to ClientGo, this creates a Client Copy of the What if.  You navigate to that in the usual way.




Clients with existing Voyant plans

ClientGo is a great review tool as you can invite your client to easily update, for example, their cash balances and anything else you don't look after for them and ask them to review their goals, add any new ones before you sit down with them. 

This separate article explains how to invite clients with existing plans to ClientGo Inviting Existing Clients to ClientGo. The invitation process differs from on boarding a new client.