Rebranding and Preferences - Options for managing preferences / default assumptions in white labelled versions of the software

Preferences set the default assumptions used when client cases are created. For example, if you add a new investment to plan, it will receive the software's default growth rate for investments, a value set from the software's Plan Preferences on the Default Inflation / Growth Rates panel. This default value will be used as the investment's growth rate unless you edit it for that particular account on the Investments screen > Advanced Settings > Growth & Yield panel. 

Firms may update the System Preferences used by their advisers and paraplanners, if they wish, provided they use our rebranding (white labeling) service

Country-specific versions of this form can be found at the bottom of this topic.

If your firm subscribes to our optional rebranding service and you would like to manage the software's preferences through your rebrand of Voyant:

1. First, please be sure that your firm is in general agreement on what these default preferences should be. 

2. Next, right-click one of the following links to download the appropriate country-specific preferences form.

Canada - Custom System Preferences form (Excel form)

Ireland - Custom System Preferences form

UK - Custom System Preferences form

US - Custom System Preferences form

Formatting Guidance: Percent values must use decimal notation e.g. 1.1% should be .011. "Yes" or "No" values should be specified as true or false

3. Specify the system preferences your firm prefers to use, leaving any preferences you do not wish to specify blank in the form.

4. Send the form to and request to have the preferences added to your firm's rebrand.

Note: Keep a copy of the edited preferences form for future updates. Then whenever changes need to be made to your firm's default preferences, simply edit the form and send it again to Voyant support requesting an update be made.

System preferences can even be locked down in a rebrand. Also, when a user opens a case file, the client case specific Plan Preferences will be checked against the firm's latest master set of System Preferences. If the Plan Preferences deviate from the firm's master System Preferences, users will be alerted and will be asked whether they want to update the existing preferences in the current client case.


How preferences can be locked for firms using the rebranding service

A firm with a locked set of preferences, defined through their rebrand of Voyant, can ask us to update their preferences set.

1. The adviser will update their software either by visiting our website, signing in and clicking Plan Now or by waiting until our next formal release.

2. When they open an existing client case, the latest System Preferences, defined by the firm, will be checked against the Plan Preferences in the client case.

3. If a discrepancy is found, the adviser will be alerted and if they click Yes, the plan preferences  in the client case will be updated to match the firm's latest set of system preferences. 

4. Any new client cases created, going forward, will simply use the latest set of System Preferences as defined by the firm through their rebrand of Voyant. 


How preferences are managed for firms that do not use rebranding

If you were to create a new client case, a copy of your software's System Preferences will be used also as the plan preferences. If your software's System Preferences are not defined through a rebrand of the software, they will be specific to your user account, as stored on the computer on which you are working.

1. Once the case has been created, the Plan Preferences are used going forward and you can make any changes you like to them. These plan preferences will remain persistent to the client case. If any updates are made to a firm's preferences, the plan preferences in your existing cases will remain unaffected. 

Note: There is no mechanism in Voyant by which an individual user can instantaneously update the preferences in all of the client cases he or she has created.

2. If an update is made to a firm's system preferences, the adviser would first need to download the latest update from our website. or wait until the next formal release of the software, when the update will be pushed to his or her computer upon opening Voyant.

3. If an adviser then wants to update the Plan Preferences in various legacy client cases to the match firm's latest set of System Preferences, he or she would need to open each client case individually, go to Preferences, and click Copy to Plan, copying the firm's latest set of System Preferences over to the Plan Preferences.

For more information about White Labeling 


Related topics

System Preferences vs. Plan Preferences


Related Documents

Guide to Voyant Rebranding (White Labelling)

Custom System Preferences (Excel form) - Canada

Custom System Preferences (Excel form) - Ireland

Custom System Preferences (Excel form) - UK

Custom System Preferences (Excel form) - US