Within Voyant you can now backdate your client's plan to a date in the past.
For example, if you create your client's plan on 25 April and then decide that you would like your client's plan to run in line with UK tax years, this is now easy to do.
Within your client's plan click on the name of the plan and select Manage Plans
Click on 'Edit Plan Start Date'.
When you click on this field, you will have the opportunity to update the start date of your Base Plan which, in turn, will update the start date of all what if plans linked to that Base Plan.
Enter the new dates for your Plan Start Date in the fields shown below; Click Edit Plan Start Date.
Your new plan start date will be saved.
If you want to view this date, you can do so by clicking on your plan name and Manage Plans (as mentioned above).
One thing to note that this feature is only for backdating a plan start date, to bring your plan forward you will still need to use the Update and Promote function.
How to update the start date of your plan - UK
The software recognises that if you put a future date in the Edit Plan Start Date, it will guide you towards the Update and Promote function.
The system will not allow you to click on the Edit Plan Start Date, you will need to click Update and Promote which will take you through the Update and Promote process.