What are Events?
Events are place markers that represent key events in the client's life, forming a framework around which the plan is built. Events can be entered on the Timeline and we will look at how in a moment.
Events are an extremely flexible and powerful feature in Voyant
Not only are they feature that allows you to schedule things to happen in the future they also serve as discussion points as you present plans to your clients. View the Timeline, the chart in Dashboard, or the Let’s See charts and you can clearly see the events serving as inflection points in the timeline. Moreover, events are movable. Should you need to reschedule something, you can immediately see the effect as you move the event up or down the timeline. Repositioning an event will affect everything that is connected to the event.
How to create an event
First of all, go to the Timeline and then click on the + button in the bottom right corner and then select the Event tile.
You can then create an event by editing all the fields denoted by the asterisk. You can set the timing of the event by using the Year or Age field or by moving the slider. Save the event by clicking Done in the top right.
You will now see this event on the Timeline.
Note: You can also create an event by double clicking the given year on the Timeline.
At the moment this is a place marker to which you will most likely wish to add an expense, windfall etc.
In this example, let's link it to a single year (milestone) expense.
To link it to an expense, go back to the Dashboard and click on the + button, bottom right of the screen and select the Expense tile and then Single Year Expense.
Complete the mandatory information of owner, name of the expense and amount in the Basics screen. Optionally you can indicate whether the expense is tax deductible (e.g. rental property expenses), prioritise the expense and and indicate whether the amount is a present or future value. Then select Timing.
Now we can link this expense to the event created. To do this you drag and drop the 'New Kitchen' event, in this example, into the Expense Occurs Event box.
Or click on the event you wish to use once and then click 'Set as Start Event':
Don't forget to click Done (top right).
Tip: Once linked to an expense, the event will schedule when the expense is to occur and if a recurring expense, when it will end.
Events can be used to schedule not only expenses and incomes but also the time span over which annual contributions will be made to savings, investments, or pensions; increasing, decreasing or changing future growth rates and asset allocations; scheduling future transfers; even scheduling the release of funds from an account.
Moving an event
If you need to change the year an event is scheduled to happen you can do this from the Timeline.
Click on the event and drag and drop it to another year on the Timeline.
Alternatively, you can click on the event and edit the timing from here. This can also be done from the Dashboard or Lets See screen.
This is also how you can edit the name, ownership and symbol of the event. Don't forget to click on Done.
How to delete an event
If you ever need to delete an event, simply click on it and then click on the trash can symbol in the top left.
If you have linked it to an expense, as in the example below, you will see a warning, reminding you to remove the link before you are able to delete the event.