
Articles and other resources related to our software for financial professionals in Ireland.

Trialing Voyant AdviserGo - Our planning software for financial professionals

Getting Started - First steps, building your first client case in AdviserGo

See all 17 articles

General Information and FAQs

What's new in AdviserGo Ireland?

The Home Screen - Accessing your client records and creating new ones

The Dashboard - Your planning control center

The Timeline - Events and stages

See all 17 articles

Insights - Planning simulations

See all 12 articles

What-Ifs - Planning scenarios

Reports - Printable reports and reporting options

See all 12 articles

Cash Flow and Taxation Essentials - About the software's calculation engine

Plan Settings - Set the software's default assumptions

Integrations with our Irish Software - Importing client information

Goals and Expenses - Plan for current and future spending

Legacy Expenses, Gifting - Gifts, charitable gifting, and their use in estate planning

Employment Income - Current and future income from earnings

Windfalls - Planning for income from anticipated future windfalls

Savings - Current accounts and savings (deposit) accounts

Investments - Portfolio accounts and unit linked investment trusts

Transfers and Planned Withdrawals

Retirement - Defined Contribution (DC) Pensions, ARFs and AMRFs

Retirement - State Pensions

Loans - Repayment of money lent to external parties or to people within the plan

Property and Other Non-Liquid Assets

Debts - Mortgages and unsecured debts

Client Case and Plan Management - Managing client cases and the plans within them, promoting, and updating plans

Managing Your User Account - Software preferences, your user profile, and sharing access with colleagues

Troubleshooting issues with AdviserGo

Article Archive - Voyant Adviser