Detailed Chart Views - Toggle detailed charts and the yearly chart details (the Year View) on or off with a single click

Before: To access the detailed view of a chart, you had to click the chart name top-right, select the Detailed button, and then close the window. Viewing a detailed chart was much easier in Adviser, in which you simply ticked the Detailed checkbox to toggle the detailed view on or off.

The annual chart details, discussed above, were accessed by double-clicking (or if on a tablet, long pressing) a bar of the chart. These options were not always apparent to new users.


Now: We have given more prominence to the chart name, displaying it to look more like a clickable button. Select the drop down arrow to switch to different charts. 



Two new buttons are available for toggling on and off with a single click the detailed views of the charts as well as the new annual chart details.  These are Details and Year View. 















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