How to Access the WealthTrack Integration

How to Access the WealthTrack Integration

Your WealthTrack integration with Voyant should now be active.

To begin importing client information from WealthTrack into Voyant, first open Voyant Adviser and sign in.

You must be working online for the WealthTrack integration to work as client data is being pulled over from their system into Voyant.

After clicking through the initial screens, the Open Client Record dialogue will display.

Click Import.


 Click the download button to select WealthTrack as the import source.


The first time you connect to WealthTrack via Voyant you will be asked to enter your WealthTrack (not Voyant) user name and password. Once entered, your credentials will be saved.

Again, you must be working online (with an internet connection) for Voyant to connect to WealthTrack.


Please note: If you receive an authentication error when attempting to sign in, please contact your WealthTrack account manager to ensure that the service is also set up and active on their end.


How to Import Client Information from WealthTrack

Once you sign into WealthTrack, a search dialogue will display. Enter either the first and/or last name of your client or leave the field blank and click Search to view all of the clients available for import from WealthTrack.


Select the record you want to import and click OK.

Please Note: Our initial integration can only be used to create new client cases in Voyant using data pulled from WealthTrack. The option to update cases that you already have in Voyant with data pulled from WealthTrack is not available at the moment.


Addressing Errors Following Import

After importing you may (and in this case will) receive a message stating that the plan has errors. Don’t be alarmed. This message does not indicate a problem with the WealthTrack file. Rather, some of the items imported need additional information in order to be effectively modelled in Voyant.  



  1. Click OK to close the message and start by addressing any issues flagged in the plan.
  2. Warnings will appear at the bottom of the screen. These are clickable links, which will take you directly to the item in the plan that needs attention. Be sure to read the flagged messages as they usually provide a good description of what needs to be addressed.


Note: In most cases do not click the X (delete) button to the right of the error message and if you do, be sure to pay close attention to the prompt that follows. Deleting an error message will often also result in the deletion of the imported item that the error relates to.

  1. For example, in this particular case, the first error related to Linda’s state pension. This link will take you to the Pensions > State Pensions screen with the pension selected and ready for editing.



  1. To resolve this issue, we would simply click this screen’s Update A data check on the screen itself will revise the pension start age and the error message will disappear upon update.



  1. Next, we would click one of the two errors related to the Legal & General Personal Pension 1.



This pension is, by default, set as a non-pension annuity. The software would normally require additional entries to model such an annuity, hence the warnings. However, this annuity is actually a pension annuity.

  1. Select Pension in the middle of the screen and click Update. The two errors related to the annuity will disappear.



With these two items amended and the errors removed from screen, we can now begin our work on the case in earnest.



Checklist – Things to check following the import of client data

Below is a quick list of things to check after you’ve imported a client case. Further details follow on how to address these potential issues.

  1. After importing, check the bottom of any screen in the software for error messages. These messages are links, which you can click to jump directly to the item in question and correct the problem. Be sure to read the error message. The descriptions in these messages are usually helpful.
  2. Check the timing and ownership of expenses and confirm they are timed correctly and owned by the correct owner(s).
  3. Double-check your client’s expenses for possible double-accounting. If your client is itemizing expenses, verify that they do not include taxes, premiums on protection policies, and debt payments. These expenses are created automatically by the software.

For example, if they included a debt such as a mortgage in their fact find, the software will automatically create for this debt a “debt payment” expense, which can be found on the Expenses > Basics screen of the software. Future premium payments are also scheduled automatically when you manually enter protection policies into Voyant. Taxes are calculated and charged annually by the software.

  1. Check planned future contributions to savings, investments and pensions and set the timing of these contributions, if necessary. Also set any employer contributions to defined contribution pension schemes, if applicable.
  2. If the plan includes properties that have related debts, such as mortgages, and incomes, such as rental income, link these debts and incomes to the related property.
  3. Use Voyant Advisor to enter items that are not importable.