The Home Screen - Accessing your client records and creating new ones - US

The software’s Home screen, pictured below, will list your client cases. Later, as you build a store of client cases, this will be the screen to visit to access them.


My Clients - The My Clients tab will show all of the client cases that you’ve created to date and, in some cases, client files that colleagues have shared directly with you – i.e. client cases that you “co-own” with their creators.  

All Clients - The All Clients tab will show not only your own client cases but may also, depending on the level of access granted to you by your firm, show cases created by your colleagues. Access to additional cases will depend on your account permissions. For example, some firms grant certain users, such as managers and customer service representatives, “all client access”, which allows them to access all the firm’s client cases.

Recent Clients - When you later revisit the software, a third tab, Recent Clients, will appear, showing up to twenty of the clients you’ve accessed most recently on your computer. Recent clients are tracked on a per user, per computer basis. If you switch computers or user accounts, you will see a different list of recently opened clients or perhaps none at all. 



Sorting client records

As with lists throughout in the software, the column headings are clickable, allowing you to sort your list of clients by name (the default), date created, date last modified, or even by the names of the advisers connected to the cases. Click the column heading again to switch between ascending and descending order.



Access your client list anytime

As you work in AdviserGo, you can return to your client list, here in on the home screen, at any time by clicking the profile menu (the silhouette button top right) and selecting Home.



Toggle the client list on or off - hide or display the client list on the Home screen

Some advisers prefer to hide their client list when first opening the software, usually due to concerns about inadvertently exposing the names of other clients when opening the software to begin a presentation. 
You have the option to configure the software to display your Client List in “Privacy Mode”, which will hide the lists and present only a search form on the landing page in AdviserGo. 
Below is how the client list normally appears, arranged into two to three tabs, beginning with Recent Clients, provided the user has opened a client case before on a given computer.  
Click the profile icon, top-right, and you will find under Preferences a new option to display the “Client List [in] Privacy Mode”, as pictured below. 
Toggle on this preference and the “Recent Clients”, “My Clients” and “All Clients” tabs will be hidden.
These tabs will be replaced by a blank search form, pictured below. Provided that the adviser enters the client’s full name when searching, no other client names need ever be shown. Advisers will need to have the foresight to switch on this preference before visiting their clients or they could choose to always work in this mode. 
To prevent any confusion, a blue banner will display across the top of the screen to indicate when client list privacy mode is enabled. There is even convenient link in this banner to disable privacy mode, which when clicked toggles off this preference and returns to the normal view of the client list arranged into tabs. Users can also go to Preferences to toggle off this setting. 
Note – Like other preferences in AdviserGo, such as the option to hide charts on the Dashboard screen, this preference is stored on a per-user account basis and is specific to the computer and browser in which it is set. If the user were to switch computers or browsers, this preference will not follow the user, rather it would need to be set again if desired on the new computer or in the different browser. 


Shared clients, color coded levels of access on the Home screen

Notice the color-coding key to the bottom right of the Home screen. These are the various levels of access you may have when accessing client cases. Access level is shown by a very subtle, thin color bar to the left of each client in client list. The color coding indicates your relationship to the client case and the level of access you are granted to it.  You could have access to a client case for several reasons.





Adviser (green) - Most commonly, you can access the case because you created it. This is to say, you own the client case or perhaps someone has shared it with you granting you “full control” over the case, making you a co-owner of the case. This is Adviser access.

You might also be granted “full control” over a client case if it is shared with a team through which you are granted full control. The main distinction between someone who has full control over a client case versus having "Write" access, is that with full control, you could also share the case with colleagues, if necessary.

You could also have access to a client case because it has been shared with you either directly, by the case’s original owner, or through a team.

Write (purple) – Write access allows you to edit the client case but not share it with others. This is a level of access granted through sharing a client case either directly or through a team.

Read (orange) – Read access grants you read-only access. You can view but not edit the client case.

You might also have access to some client cases based on your role in our system.

Admin (gold) – Administrative access means your access to the case is granted to you through a special role. For example, if you were a subscription manager, you have a special role that grants you access to cases other than your own because you manage all of the user licenses and with them, all of the client cases within your firm’s subscription.  

Read more about how to share client access with colleagues.


Start a new client case from the Home screen

Click the plus button (+) bottom right to begin work on a new client case.

Tip, Always look for the plus (+) button – Whenever you need to add anything to a plan, simply click the plus button (+) bottom right. This button is found on every screen in AdviserGo that involves plan building.



Importing client information from third-party integrations

If you are trialing AdviserGo for the first time, the software will go directly into the details of your client. But if your firm already has a Voyant subscription, you might be given an option to import client information from other systems (as shown below).  



Voyant has integrations with numerous third-party data and service providers, including Intelligent Office, IRESS, Time4Advice (Curo), Morningstar (for investment valuations) and several others. Through these integrations, the software can pull client information and, in some cases, risk profiles, investment holdings and their latest valuations. Information from these external sources can be used to supplement or update client information you have already entered in AdviserGo or in some cases, could be used as a foundation upon which to build entirely new client plans in AdviserGo. Read more about integrations in AdviserGo.

Feel free to contact Voyant Support for further assistance. We will gladly switch on any of these integration services for our subscribers and trialists, provided they have made whatever arrangements are necessary with the integration partner as subscribers or trialists of their services.