How to add a new stage to the Timeline
To add a new stage to the timeline:
1. Go to either the Timeline or the Dashboard screen and click the plus (+) button, bottom right.
2. Select Stage.

3. Stage Name: Enter a unique name for the new stage.
4. Stage Colour: Select a colour for the stage.
Under Timing in the lower half of the screen:
5. Stage Starts: In the timeline below, either drag and drop and drop a start event for the stage into the Stage Starts box above or simply click the event icon and select Set as Start Event.
6. Stage Ends: Next, do the same to set the stage’s end event. Either drag and drop and drop a start event for the stage into the Stage Ends box above or simply click the event icon and select Set as End Event.

Tip – If there isn’t already an event in the timeline appropriate for use, timing wise, as the stage’s beginning or end, just double-click any bar above the timeline to add a new event to the timeline on the fly. Give the new event a name, select an icon for it, and select either the Set as Start Event or Set as End Event option to specify whether the new event is to be used as the beginning or end of the stage.
Note – A stage must have at least a two-year range. The software will prevent you from saving a stage or inadvertently creating a new stage that is only one year long.

7. Click Done (top right) once you are finished.
Tip – If you need to add more stages to the timeline, click the down arrow adjacent to the Done button and select Save + Add Another to continue adding stages to the timeline.