Timeline, FAQ - Why use events, rather than years or dates, for timing? - UK


Why use events? Why not enter an age, the year, or a date for timing?



Events provide a layer of abstraction that specific dates and ages do not. Items timed using events, such as the duration of one’s career, can be easily adjusted by dragging events up or down the timeline.



Items can even be rescheduled interactively on the Let's See charts. 

As you are discussing the plan with your client, click the event icon (1) and then the event name (2), as pictured right, and with one easy drag-and-drop (3), everything tied to the repositioned event is recalculated instantaneously, as shown below.






Events are place markers which represent key events in the clients life, forming a framework around which the plan is built.  Events can be entered on the Timeline and we will look at in a moment.

Events are an extremely flexible and powerful feature in Voyant.

Not only are they a feature that allow you to schedule things to happen in the future they also serve as discussion points as you present plans to your clients. View the Timeline, the chart in Dashboard  or the Let’s See charts and you can clearly see the events serving as inflection points in the timeline. Moreover, events are movable. Should you need to reschedule something, you can immediately see the effect as you drag the event up or town the timeline. Repositioning an event will affect everything that is connected to the event.