Salesforce FSC integration

To use the Voyant integration with Salesforce, you must have active user accounts with both Voyant (as a subscriber or trialist) and Salesforce Financial Services Cloud.

This integration needs switched on by Voyant. Once confirmed it is set up with Salesforce please email for the integration to be set up at Voyant's end.

Once the integration is all set up, log into Voyant and go to AdviserGo as this integration only works via AdviserGo.

Note: Salesforce is a highly customizable product. We may need to do some additional mapping with our development team to get a Salesforce FSC integration working correctly if your firm is using a bespoke version. 

See this guide if you need instructions for how to log in to AdviserGo:  Logging into AdviserGo

When in the AdviserGo home page (where your client list is) click Import client via the + button bottom right


Select Salesforce from the available Integrations



The first time you will need to login to Salesforce to authenticate the account. 




Note if you are already logged into Salesforce in your browser you may not need to log in again.


Salesforce to Voyant

There are 3 ways to move or update information from Salesforce into Voyant:

- Option A - Create a new Voyant client record using information imported from Salesforce

- Option B - After Import you can Update the plan with values from Salesforce

- Option C - Connect a plan in Voyant with the plan in Salesforce in order to update the values from Salesforce into Voyant.


Voyant to Salesforce

- Option D - You also have the option to Export a plan from Voyant in order to create a new record in Salesforce. Once you've done this you can update the values from Voyant into Salesforce.

Going through each of these options in more detail.


Salesforce to Voyant

Option A - Create a new client record using information imported from Salesforce

In the Home screen - select Import from the + button bottom right and select Salesforce. Search for your client. Click on the client’s name in the list once you have found them to import.



You may be asked to map some unknown items




Select the appropriate Types and click Next.



Voyant will then present the client details. Check the details then click Next.




Click Add to add to the Voyant plan or Skip to not import.



You may see some messages when you first import the plan. This could be due to Voyant needing data that it did not find in Salesforce. Click on each error to resolve.

Salesforce to Voyant

Option B - Updating the plan at Review

Firstly, Update and Promote your plan in Voyant to change the Start date and archive last year’s plan.




After making any changes in Salesforce you can update your plan in Voyant to incorporate these changes. In Dashboard view when in the client plan click on Update in the + button bottom right and it will walk you through an update wizard.




Salesforce to Voyant:

Option C - Connect and update an existing client record with information imported from Salesforce:

If you already have a client in Voyant that you wish to link to the integration to update information from Salesforce follow the instructions below.

In the client record Dashboard view in Voyant click ‘Import’. The system will guide you through the linking process to identify matches between the existing Voyant plan data and the updated client data from Salesforce.




Find this client in the search box and select Merge



NOTE: Selecting Overwrite will start your plan again from the beginning using the Salesforce data pulled through and will not include any existing What If scenarios.

After clicking on Merge a list of Finances pulled from Salesforce will be shown.

Select ‘Connect’ to link existing entries with Salesforce entries and update these entries with updated values from Salesforce.


To add in a new entry from Salesforce, that isn’t currently in Voyant, select Add instead of Connect



In the Summary screen select which entry in Voyant you would like to connect the Salesforce one to and it will connect and update the values for it:


In Dashboard view this symbol shows it is connected to Salesforce:



Voyant to Salesforce

Option D - You also have the option to Export a plan from Voyant in order to create a new record in Salesforce. Once you've done this you can update the values from Voyant into Salesforce. Go to Dashboard - + Button - Export. Follow the steps to export the plan. View in Salesforce once the transfer is complete.


Note - you can only Export and Import into a Base Plan. You will not see this option in a What If scenario.

Check the data

Check all the data that has been pulled across via the Dashboard view in AdviserGo.




Click on each entry to see the details.


Checklist – Things to check following the import of a client fact find

Below is a quick list of things to check after you’ve imported a client case. Further details follow on how to address these potential issues.

1. After importing, check the top of the Dashboard screen and within each entry in the software for error messages. These messages are links, which you can click to jump directly to the item in question and correct the problem. Be sure to read the error message. The descriptions in these messages are usually helpful.

2. Click on each entry to check it is entered as you would like for your Voyant model and complete any missing data. Check areas such as:

- Ownership - is the item owned by the correct owner

- Account Type - is the account the right 'type' e.g. check DB pensions for 'deferred' versus 'active'

- Amount and Growth - is the account starting at and growing at the rates you would like to model

- Timing - is the expense, income, contribution timed for how you would like to model it

3. Double-check your client’s expenses for possible double-accounting. If your client is itemizing expenses, verify that they do not include taxes, premiums on protection policies, and debt payments. These expenses are created automatically by the software.

For example, if they included a debt such as a mortgage in their fact find, the software will automatically create for this debt a “debt payment” expense, which can be found on the Expenses > Basics screen of the software. Future premium payments are also scheduled automatically when you manually enter protection policies into Voyant. Taxes are calculated and charged annually by the software.

4. Check planned future contributions to savings, investments and pensions and set the timing of these contributions, if necessary. Also set any employer contributions to defined contribution pension schemes, if applicable.

5. If the plan includes properties that have related debts, such as mortgages, and incomes, such as rental income, link these debts and incomes to the related property.

6. Use Voyant to enter items that are not importable or that need adding in.


Any questions contact