If you are moving from our legacy software Adviser over to AdviserGo below are some guides you may find helpful.
The AdviserGo calculations engine, concepts and charts are the same as Adviser and any clients you have created in Adviser you can access and edit in AdviserGo (and visa versa). AdviserGo looks and feels different, have a look at the navigation video below for a tour.
To explore some of the new features you will have available see this guide: Moving from Adviser to AdviserGo - New Features you'll have available
How to log in to AdviserGo [1min]
The Open Client Record Screen [1min 30s]
A high level overview of how to navigate AdviserGo [8mins]
Entering Goals and the difference between Goals and Expenses as well as the Goal Priority Insight [14mins]
Introduction to the Learning Materials available for AdviserGo [3mins]
For a full introduction to AdviserGo please see these longer, more comprehensive videos and learning track:
Introductory Learning Track for AdviserGo - UK
Overview of Voyant AdviserGo [35mins]
How to build a plan in AdviserGo [40mins]
Presenting functionality in AdviserGo [27mins]
Saving Money and comparing the differences between the charts [25min]
Any questions about a specific plan:
For general questions please email: support@planwithvoyant.com