How to delete a person from a plan - UK

To remove a spouse / partner from a plan (or any person for that matter), you will need to first delete or reassign ownership of every item in the base plan, as well as any unique items within What Ifs, that are owned or co-owned by the spouse.

Tip: it isn't possible to delete the primary client in this way. If you need to do this, please contact Voyant support:

Tip: before deleting the person from the plan, we recommend that you update the start date of the plan, thereby preserving the previous plan for your records: how to update start date.

Step by Step instructions:

1. From Dashboard, select People and then, select the name of person who is to be deleted from the plan.


2. You will see a blue banner, noting that this person is the owner of items in the plan. Click on Show Details in the blue banner to see the overview of the items.


Each section overview can be expanded to view the individual items.


All of these items will have to be deleted or reassigned BEFORE the person can be deleted.

Selecting an individual item here will take you directly to the section which need to be edited.  Or you can work through each section on the Dashboard

3. For each item and event owned or co-owned by the person you wish to delete, change the Ownership and Timing, if it is to remain in the plan or delete it, if no longer required.


In Timing, make sure the Start and End events are not linked to the person you are intending to delete.


Also, check Withdrawal Limits, Planned Withdrawals, Transfers and Crystallisations to make sure they are not linked to events owned by the person you wish to delete.

Tip: you won't be able to delete the Cash Sweep Account. This will be deleted by the software when the person is deleted.

4. Navigate to the Timeline to delete or reassign ownership of any events owned by the person you wish to delete, including the Retirement event.


Tip: you won't be able to delete the Mortality event. This will be deleted by the software when the person is deleted.

5. Repeat the steps above for each What If scenario (if applicable) to make sure you have deleted or reassigned ownership of any items and events owned by the person you wish to delete which are not in the base plan.

6. Once you have worked through each item and event in the base plan and all of the What Ifs, go back to People in the Dashboard of the base plan.  You should now be able to delete the person as there will be no blue banner and a bin symbol will appear. Click on the bin. 


and confirm you wish to delete.

7. Check the What If scenarios to make sure there are no error messages. 

8. Click the reload button on your browser to get the name of the client record which shows in the top right corner to update to the sole person name.


Video walkthrough