By default, the owner of a client plan will receive an email notification each time the plan is updated by another user.
If your users would prefer not to receive these emails, you can switch off the notifications for them by following the steps outlined below. Alternatively, the user can turn off the notifications using these instructions.
1. Visit the Voyant website. Which website you visit to register and install the software will depend on which country-specific version of Voyant you use.
Australia - |
Canada - |
Ireland - |
United Kingdom - |
United States - |
Global - |
2. Log in using your user name and password.
3. Click the Admin Console button.
4. Click Users on the top menu and search for the relevant user.
5. Click on the users name in the list to display their User Summary. Click Edit Profile on the left hand menu:
6. Scroll down to the bottom of the address details and un-tick the Email Client Plan Updates box.
7. Click Submit.
If the user being updated is the subscription owner, the notifications will have to be switched off at subscription level too.
To do this, go to 'My subscription' and select 'Edit subscription' in the 'Actions' menu. Navigate to the 'Notification Preferences' section and un-tick the 'Email Client Plan Updates' box: