In order to set up an ISA, click on the + button
Navigate to the Savings & Investments tile under Finance and Accounts
Click on Investment
1. Type & Account Name: Select Stock Market ISA/Junior ISA and enter the name of the account.
2. Balance: If the account has an existing balance (as at start-of-plan), then input this here. Note that Purchase Value identifies the cost basis of the existing balance - from a tax perspective, this is immaterial for ISAs, of course.
NB: Regarding contributions, the ISA allowance is assumed (by default) to increase at a rate that is determined by your Default Tax Table Assumptions.
Further to this, the software enforces annual ISA contribution limits (per individual) within a plan. As such, the ISA contribution that actually gets made will always be the lesser of the contribution amount entered, or the (re-valued) ISA allowance.
3. Contribution Type
To make a regular contribution, there is a choice as to whether to enter a monetary £ figure or a % figure and a monetary £ figure with inflation which will see the monetary figure increase each year with inflation. The % option relates to employment earnings (including or excluding bonuses). The Maximum Allowed Contribution refers to the ISA Allowance minus any contributions already made in that year.
To make a contribution that is increasing year-on-year, therefore, one may either enter a value in the % field, on the basis that employment income is, itself, increasing. Or, one would enter a large value - (significantly) more than the current allowance - in the monetary £ field with inflation (e.g. 50,000).
In the instance, illustrated above, where a contribution of (e.g.) £6,000 has been entered - well within the current allowance - this contribution amount will simply remain static, throughout the plan.
Please also keep in mind that contributions will only be made if funds remain available after expenses have been met.
4. Timing: Go to the Timing menu located on the left hand side of the screen (see screenshot above). Selections on this panel are used to set the time span over which contributions (to the ISA) are to be made - in this instance, between the Start event and Jeff's Retirement event (see screenshot below)
Note: If you don't have events on the timeline already that are positioned appropriately to be used as start or end events, new ones can be easily added by clicking on one of the grey lines and setting the marker as the Start/End event.
5. People: The owner/s are identified with a colour (see Dashboard) ensure that the correct owner is shown on this investment. . Ownership will default to the primary client, so one would deselect Jeff and select the spouse/child if this is not correct.
To check that the correct contributions are being made you can look on Year View > Expenses. This will show you the regular contributions being made and the source of the payment.
If you are wanting to use savings/investment assets or the husband's assets for the purpose of making ISA contributions on her behalf, rather than surplus cash, this can be done using the 'Transfers option, on the ISA menu.
This way, recurring contributions can be scheduled from a specified source account. The logic, with regard to escalating contributions, is exactly the same as outlined, above, within #3.
From here you would enter the details of where the transfer is coming from and going to, the amount that is being transferred and whether the transfer is recurring (regular).
Navigate to the Timing option on the top of the screen and select when you would like the transfer to start. After selecting the relevant event - click Done.
As above, to check to see if the transfer is going through look on Year View>Investments