FAQ - Screen sharing tools, other options for presenting plans to clients remotely


I like the idea of Voyant Go but I don't want to take on an added service or have my clients edit the plans I have created for them. I really only want to share client cases with a few, select clients only for purposes of presentation. Are there other options for presenting cases to clients remotely? 


Voyant Go is our tool where clients can log in to their plan and is intended to allow your clients to have ownership, at least in part, over the plan you have created for them. By default, client plans are read-only and clients can only edit a plan if they first create a copy of your plan. You can find out more here: VoyantGo FAQs.

This said, if you simply want to present a plan to a client remotely, a screen sharing tool may be a better bet. 

We don’t officially endorse third-party brands but we have used various screen sharing tools in the past and currently use Join.Me for our webinars. GoToMeeting is also a popular choice and we have also used WebEx in the past. There are numerous tools and services available on the market.