Q. How do you show an investment bond that is in a trust?
A. There is no mechanism in the software to designate a Bond (onshore or offshore) as being 'in trust'. Instead, choose the investment 'Type' as 'Other Trusts', wherein you can designate the investment as being within either a 'Bare' or 'Discretionary' trust. This will ensure that the proceeds from the bond remain outside of the estate for IHT purposes.
Having set this up as a Trust, the software will not take any ad hoc withdrawals from the asset, for the purpose of meeting the clients' expenditure. If it is the case that the clients are receiving (some) income from the Trust, this can be scheduled via Planned Withdrawals.
Unfortunately, the software will not tax withdrawals from the trust in the same way as withdrawals from a bond. If the planned withdrawals from the bond in trust are likely to cause a chargeable gain and therefore a tax charge for the settlor of the bond, you may want to leave it as a bond in Voyant. This would ensure that the withdrawals show correctly in the plan from an income tax perspective. However, the bond would show as inside the estate for IHT purposes.