From the Reports screen reports can be generated to output the results of several of the Insights.
If you first run a simulation on the Insights screen, the software will use the same inputs to generate the Insight report. If the Insight was not run, the insight's default inputs will be used when generating the report.
How to view the Insight report inputs
You can view the inputs used in the Insight reports by clicking the edit icon in Reports > Insights:
Click on the relevant Insights that you would like to include in your clients report. If you hover over the individual Insight reports, the software will show you a glimpse of what the reports would look like and the type of information that they contain.
Click Review, Configure and Generate to show the list of selected Insight reports. Click on the 3 dots at the end of the box.
Click Configure
This will display the inputs being used for that particular client. If an Insight has not already been run on-screen for that client the default inputs will show:
If the Insight has been run on-screen for that client, the inputs used when it was run will show:
How to edit the Insight report inputs
In the Insights screen, click on the edit icon next to the Insight you wish to change the inputs for, which will open that Insight screen where you can edit the inputs.
For example, to change the Lump Sum Savings insight to change the Event that you would like to use, click the edit icon next to the Lump Sum Savings insight:
The Lump Sum Savings Insight screen will open.
Edit the inputs in the Insight screen and the Insight will run:
Return to Reports >Insights and click the edit icon. The updated input for the Lump Sum Savings insight will show:
When you generate the report, these are the inputs which will be used.
How to reset the Insight report inputs
To return the Insight report inputs to the defaults, click the bin icon next to the Insight you would like to reset:
The defaults will then show and be used when the report is generated: