Improved chart functions

Mouseover Chart Details 

When in the Dual chart or Compare Plan views, the charts will show the mouseover yearly details for the charts top and bottom simultaneously, as pictured below.


Currently, yearly details are shown only for the chart you are hovering your cursor over, which can make presenting and comparing figures between two charts extremely cumbersome.



Selecting Bars Made Easier 

Bars of the chart can be selected and mouseover chart details shown when hovering your cursor either over the bar itself or in the whitespace above the bars of the chart. Currently, you must have your cursor over a bar to see these details.

A new chart selection bar has also been added, guiding one’s visual focus to the bar that is currently selected. A subtle pinpoint effect has been added to the Cash Flow chart to highlight the position of the black “need line” and the blue “basic need” line. The chart details have also been moved to the side of the selected bar rather than positioned over the bar, allowing the selected bar to always remain fully in view and never obscured by the mouseover details.



Currently, chart details are only shown when moving one’s cursor over an actual bar in the chart. Seeing these details can be problematic if a bar of the chart is small, especially when the chart has a large spike making the adjacent years much smaller by comparison and therefore difficult to select.

No visual guide is displayed to pinpoint the selected bar. The chart details are shown over the selected bar, which depending on height, can sometimes obscure large sections of the selected bar, as pictured right.



Chart Details Are Parsed, Made Specific to the Items in View

The items shown in the mouse-over chart details will be parsed, showing balances and totals only for the items selected and in view.

For example, you could choose to hide all but two assets on the Assets chart, as pictured below. Rather than showing a full list of all asset values, whether in view or hidden, as is currently the case, the mouse-over details will only show the balances and yearly total for the assets in view.



Currently, all items are shown in the chart details (as pictured right), regardless of whether they are selected for display.



Independent Toggling of the Chart Details in the Dual Chart Mode 

The ability to toggle chart details on or off for charts independently when in Dual chart mode. Currently, if the detailed view is switched on for one of the two charts it will be switched on for both, and vice versa. Many advisers expressed the need to show, for example, a simple view of the assets chart (one showing assets by category) alongside a detailed view of the cash flow, as pictured below.



Currently, there is no option to control these chart views independently. If the detailed view is switched on for one chart, both charts will be shown in detailed view and vice versa.



Note - The Compare Plans view works in an opposite manner, always ensuring that the two charts are in sync. It is assumed that switching charts or toggling on or off the detailed view or legend should apply the charts of both plans simultaneously. The purpose of the Compare Plans view is to present a like for like comparison of two different plans.



Auto-Resizing Charts 

The charts will automatically resize to spotlight the items in view to maximum effect. For example, Investments comprise only a small sliver of this client’s overall asset mix in relation to the size of his other holdings. If during a discussion you want to turn the spotlight on taxable investment accounts, you could hide all but this one category of asset. The chart will automatically resize, bringing this asset into full view, as pictured below.



Currently, items on the charts retain their scaling. An item that is small in the context of the overall chart will remain so even if the other items in the chart are hidden, as pictured below. This greatly diminishes the visual impact of an otherwise useful feature – the ability to hide items from view and to build up a chart view during a presentation.



Toggling the Chart Legend 

The option has been added to switch on or off the chart legends – the categories of items at the top of the chart. You can display a legend identifying all the color-coded items represented on the chart, deselect items, and focus solely on the assets you want to discuss. Or if the legend becomes a distraction, as it might for the detailed assets chart in a plan with twenty or more assets, then the legend can be easily toggled off. You will find the Legend toggle as an option in the new More Features menu.

This toggle feature has the added advantage of making display of the chart legend an option, if needed, on screens where it wasn’t shown before, such as on the Dashboard, when running some Insights, and in the Year View of the charts.



Compare Plans Mode, Improved Display of Compared Plans 

Using the Compare Plans mode, current plans can be compared to plans from the past. Comparing a base plan from 2020, for example, to a base plan that was created two years ago in 2018, will result in a comparison of plans with different timescales.

AdviserGo will now show whitespace at the beginning or end of the timeline to make these differences readily apparent. The years along the y-axis of the compared charts will remain fixed, ensuring that the year in the top chart consistently matches to its adjacent counterpart in the bottom chart.



Currently, when the timescales of compared plans don’t match, AdviserGo adjusts the width of of the bars of the chart, resulting in what appears to be two rougly matching charts. The software always fills the canvas fully.

Move your cursor over the bars of the top and bottom charts and you will find the top bar is not referencing the same year as the bottom, which is very problematic considering the Compare Plans view is intended to show a like for like comparison.

Pictured below are two plans, the top plan is set to begin this year, in 2020, while the bottom is the original Base Plan created two years prior in 2018. The bars of the top plan are almost impercetibly wider, creating what appears to be two matching charts. However, bar 1 in the top plan represents 2020 whereas the adjacent bar beneath it represents 2018.




Watch an Introduction to These New Features


Highlights from the August 2020 Release

New animation for loading the Let's See charts

Streamlined chart navigation

New chart zoom tools - zoom in or out to change scale and focus on selected stages and timespans

An example of the redesigned charts in action


Read the Full August 2020 Release Announcement

View or download a complete guide to these new Let's See chart features in our August 2020 release. 


Further Reading and Related Topics

Experiencing problems viewing the new charts? Here are two tips for clearing your browser cache. 

How to do hard page refresh in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge 

How to clear browser cache in Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge