If you used asset allocations in a client's plan, created using one set of market assumptions, those asset allocations may no longer be valid if you change the plan to use a different set of market assumptions. This would typically be the case if the asset class names differ between the two sets of assumptions.
When you update a client's plan to use a new set of assumptions (click here for how to do this) you may see errors in the plan, if the asset class names are different from the original assumptions.
To fix this, firstly edit the default Asset Allocation in Plan Settings for the plan to one that works with the new market assumptions. This may resolve all of the errors in the plan.
Edit the default Asset Allocation
In the Dashboard, go to Plan Settings and click Asset Allocation on the left hand menu. This asset allocation will be used as the default for any investments and pensions in the client's plan which are set to grow by portfolio/holdings. This default can be overridden at an individual account level, if necessary.
To edit the default asset allocation, type the relevant percentages in the boxes next to the asset class names, then click Done.
Edit the asset allocation of the individual investments and pensions
If there are still errors in the plan after you have updated the default Asset Allocation in Plan Settings, this typically means that there are some investments or pensions in the plan which used a custom asset allocation rather than the default asset allocation. The error messages will tell you which accounts are affected.
These errors will need to be corrected by editing the asset allocation at the individual account level using the instructions below.
1. Click on the first error which will take you to the account details for that particular investment or pension.
2. Click Growth in the left hand menu, input the relevant percentages in the boxes next to the asset class names, then click Done.
3. Repeat the steps above for the other error messages until all the error messages are gone.