Voyant Point Person - the Subscription Manager role

The Subscription Manager role in Voyant is assigned to one or more individuals in a firm as the subscription's point person. The duties of the Subscription Manager include adding and removing users, setting user permissions, requesting additional licenses, running analytics, making changes to subscription preferences, and managing access to client plans. It is the Subscription Manager who makes the request to Voyant to add an Adviser or Auxiliary/Paraplanner license to the subscription and once added, will email a registration invite to the user. Reassigning licenses in the subscription is performed by the Subscription Manager. Requests for sharing or transferring client plans are routed through the Subscription Manager. What follows is list of the duties available to the Subscription Manager along with links to instructions.


Administrative Console

Voyant account-related functions are accessible on the administration console accessed through AdviserGo or by logging directly into the Voyant website. These functions include editing user profiles, password resets, running analytics on user activity, or setting permissions for client sharing within the subscription.


If you are working in AdviserGo, open the user menu (the profile icon top-right) and select Administration.



This link will open a new tab in your browser, taking you to the landing page of the admin console on the Voyant website where the tabs at the top will allow you to perform a variety of functions.



Alternatively, you can simply login to the Voyant website which opens to the home page. You will need to open a browser and type in the url to the Voyant web site. Which website you go to depends on which version of Voyant you use.



  Canada - canada.planwithvoyant.com


  Ireland - www.planwithvoyant.ie


  United Kingdom - www.planwithvoyant.co.uk


  United States - www.planwithvoyant.com


To access the administration section from the home page click "Go to admin console". 




What follows is a list of the admin functions available to Voyant license holders with the Subscription Owner or Subscription Manager role: