US Integrations Master List

Below is a list of integrations available in the US Voyant software. To have any of the integrations activated on your account please reach out to

Note: Only one integration may be used per client file. 

Redtail - Import only
What does it import? People, assets, liabilities, financial accounts

Redtail Integration Demo

Redtail Integration Import Guide

SalesForce FSC - Import only
What does it import? Households, people accounts, financial accounts, assets, liabilities, and employment.

Salesforce Import Guide

Salesforce Mapping Guide

eWealthManager - Import Only

What does it import? People, financial accounts. 

eWealthManager Import Guide

How to request Voyant from eWealthManager

eWealthManager Mapping Guide

*Note: Clients using eWealthManager SSO cannot integrate with Redtail or Salesforce FSC. If they prefer to use Redtail or Salesforce FSC, it is recommended that they sign up for a standalone trial and request support to add them to the AssetMark entity group. Please note, that only one integration can be used to import data into each client file. For example, if they choose to import John Doe from Salesforce, they won’t be able to add additional information from Redtail.

Wealthbox - Import Only

What does it import? People's names

Morningstar - Import Only - does not need to be activated

What does it import? Securities, current prices, values, and asset allocations. 

Morningstar Import Guide

MX - Import Only - does not need to be activated

This integration is available only in the client-facing product ClientGo. It allows clients to import financial accounts into the ClientGo tool. 

MX Integration Guide

ClientGo Training videos

FAQ: Does Voyant have any live feed integrations? 

Voyant does not include live feed integrations. We are a holistic planning tool designed specifically for wealth advisers and planners, focusing on the long-term health of clients' financial plans rather than daily market fluctuations. Our platform helps advisers address crucial questions such as: "Can clients achieve their financial and life goals?", "What tax-saving strategies would benefit them?", and "Will they have enough money if they live to 90?" Incorporating daily market changes would disrupt these long-term projections, making it harder to maintain a stable, strategic approach to financial planning.

For more information about our approach to holistic planning please see the training video linked below. 

Holistic Planning with Voyant

FAQ: Why hasn't this item been imported from my integration into Voyant? 

If a particular item has not been imported into Voyant, it is likely that we do not have mapping for the account type from your integration into Voyant. You will likely need to manually enter this item. Please see our mapping guides linked above for more information about the items we import. If it is an account you often use, please contact for help with additional mapping requests.